Moving averages are popularly known to be lagging technical indicators, but most other indicators are also lagging. Over time, professional traders adopted several approaches to solve lagging problem. You talk about price action, divergences, multi-timeframe analysis and so on.
With Crystal Profit, multi-timeframe analysis is the ultimate key to solving this problem and maximizing profit. 50, 21 and 9 smoothed moving averages will be put to work in my forth coming market analysis and you get to feel my points.
I also will buy the power of the fisher indicator. Most people see fisher as a lagging indicator of no importance. I will demonstrate some power to you into making profits and managing losses. Market pressure as depicted with moving averages can be powerful if well interpreted
Crystal Profit will go for $399. Just like the Divergence trading plan I have been using for the past few days, the two are the only trading plans here with more profit potentials and good in managing losses too. Crystal Profit can deliver 100pips some days without stress.
Loss management is one thing about Crystal Profit. You get to close your trades without waiting to hit the stop loss, and plan for the next trade. Money management or risk management is key to your success and if you want to skip that, you can scalp with Crystal Profit for few pips and some higher lots (not recommended).
Expect more of demonstration of real profit making and losses management in the next few weeks. Send email to if you need this trading plan.
Crystal Markets